Vibrating screen can be divided into two types: linear vibrating screen and circular vibrating screen. This paper will introduce the working principle and performance features of vibrating screens with circular vibrating screen as the example.
Round vibrating screen is a new type of highly efficient vibrating screen with high efficiency and the materials in it move in a circular motion. This machine is mainly used for product classification in such industrial departments as coal, metallurgy and mine.
该圆形振动筛处理能力强,筛分效率高,具有 参数合理,结构强度、刚度高,运转可靠,噪音小,维修方便等特点。
This vibrating sieve has strong processing capacity and high screening efficiency and has such features as reasonable technical parameters, high strength and rigidity of the structure, reliable operation, low noise and convenient maintenance.
振动筛厂家地址:中国-河南-郑州-高新 产业开发区-檀香路-8号。