Slag dryer is also a kind of rotary dryer, it is mainly made up by rotary cylinder, wind equipment, high-speed scattered equipment, feed plate, the cleaning device, transmission device, transmission equipment, hot air equipment, deceleration machine, supporting devices, sealing device, etc.The slag dryer has a reasonable design, perfect workmanship, stable performance, advanced technology, high output, low energy consumption, cover small area and high mechanization degree.Slag, river sand, limestone, clay, quartz sand, grain slag, slurry and sludge with strong wet and large size can be dried by the slag dryer.
3、矿渣烘干机在设计时为了达到 的烘干 ,采用顺流干燥方式,物料与热源气流由同一侧进入干燥设备,烘干机出口温度低,热效率高。
4、矿渣烘干机使用了新型的给料、排料装置, 了矿渣烘干机给料堵塞、不连续、不均匀和返料等现象,为您降低了除尘系统的负荷。
5、矿渣烘干机在内部结构上 了创新,强化了对已分散物料的清扫和热传导作用,消除了筒体内壁的沾粘现象。
The slag is sent into the hopper by the belt conveyor or bucket elevator and sent into feed end through feeding pipe of feeder hopper. The dryer cylinder is a rotating cylinder with slight incline to the horizontal line. The materials are sent from the higher end and the heat-carrying agents are sent from the lower end to be countercurrent contact with the materials. Some heat-carrying agents and materials flow altogether into the end of the barrel with the gravity effect as the rotation of the cylinder. In the process of moving forwardness in the barrel, the wet materials are directly or indirectly gained the heat of the heat-carrying agent and be dried, then the discharge end discharges finished products through belt conveyor or screw conveyor.
矿渣烘干机厂家地址:中国-河南-郑州-高新 产业开发区-檀香路-8号。