Indirect heat transmission dryer is widely used in industries like the building materials, metallurgy, chemical engineering and cement. It is made up of rotary part, raising board, driving device, supporting device and seal ring. The energy saving indirect heat transmission dryer has strong adaptability for drying all kinds of materials with simple operation steps.
2、物料终水份确保0.5%以下,是干混砂浆及矿渣粉生产线 产品。
物料由间接传热烘干机供料装置进入回转滚筒的内层, 顺流烘干,物料在内层的抄板下不断抄起、散落呈螺旋行进式 热交换,物料移动至内层的另一端进入中层,进行逆流烘干,物料在中层不断地被反复扬进,呈进两步退一步的行进方式,物料在中层既充分吸收内层滚筒散发的热量,又吸收中层滚筒的热量,同时又延长了干燥时间,物料在此达到 干燥状态。物料行至中层另一端而落入外层,物料在外层滚筒内呈矩形多回路方式行进,达到干燥 的物料在热风作用下快速行进排出滚筒,没有达到干燥 的湿物料因自重而不能快速行进,物料在此矩形抄板内进行充分干燥,间接传热烘干机由此完成干燥目的。
Materials enter the inner side of the drum through the feeding device to realize current flow drying process. They get raised and scattered under the shoveling plate in a spiral advancing way to exchange heat. Then the materials enter the middle layer of the inner wall through the other end to realize counter current drying process. They are lifted in over and over in the middle layer which advance in two-steps forward and one-step back way. They absorb heat from both inner drum and middle drum, which extend the drying time and realize the best drying condition. Finally, materials fall into the external layer of the drum from the other end of the middle layer, processing in a rectangle multi-loop way. The dried materials move quickly out of the drum under the hot air, while the wet ones remain because of their own weight. Materials are dried completely inside the rectangle shoveling plate and then cooled by the single drum cooler, thus finishing the whole drying process.
间接传热烘干机厂家地址:中国-河南-郑州-高新 产业开发区-檀香路-8号。