您当前位置是: 网站首页 > 产品中心 > 烘干机设备 > 复合肥烘干机


复合肥烘干机可作为有机复合肥生产线配套设备,成品颗粒细,既可作为培养基, 食用菌双孢菇,也可作为养殖龟、鱼、蜗牛、鸡、鸭等的饲料出售。...


复合肥烘干机也称转筒干燥机,烘干一定湿度和粒度肥料,同时也可用于其他物料烘干,该机扬料板分布及角度设计合理,性能可靠,因而热能利用率高,干燥均匀,清理物料次数少,适用维修方便等特点。复合肥烘干机可作为有机复合肥生产线配套设备,成品颗粒细,既可作为培养基, 食用菌双孢菇,也可作为养殖龟、鱼、蜗牛、鸡、鸭等的饲料出售。


Compound fertilizer dryer is also known as drum dryer, used for drying climate and granular fertilizers, while can also be used for drying other materials. The distribution and angle of the lifting plate is reasonably designed, with reliable performance, thus compound fertilizer drying machine has advantages of high thermal energy utilization, uniform drying, less number of times to clean material, convenient maintenance and so on.Compound fertilizer dryer is mainly used in the production of organic compound and compound fertilizer.



2. 结构优良﹑简单﹑物料通过筒体阻力运行平稳﹑操作方便。

3. 故障少﹑维护费用低﹑功耗低。

4. 复合肥烘干机适用范围广﹑产品干燥的均匀性好。

5. 干燥的同时还可达到杀菌和除臭的目的。


复合肥由给料机经溜槽进入烘干机内导料板上,跟着筒体的滚动,复合肥被导至倾斜扬料板上即被晋升到筒体的 位置,逐渐洒落形成料幕,高温气流从中穿过,使其预热并蒸发部分水分。当复合肥洒落、移动到流动的篦条式翼板上时,物料又与预热过的篦条式翼板夹杂在一起,将热量传给物料,使部分水分蒸发。同时,翼板夹带物料提起、洒落,重复多次,物料与热气流进行对流和接触热交换。同时埋在物料中的清扫装置,也沿圆弧形扬料板的里侧下滑,把扬料板内壁粘附的物料清扫下来。当清扫装置随筒体转过垂直线以后,又在圆弧扬料板背面拖动,将其粘附在扬料板外壁的物料清扫下来。跟着筒体的不断滚动,使部分水分蒸发,复合肥得到进一步干燥。同时,清扫装置对团球也起到了打碎作用,提高了干燥速度, 复合肥干燥后变成低水分的疏松物料,由出料口排出。


Compound fertilizer is fed on the stock guide of compound fertilizer dryer via chute, along with the rotating of barrel, compound fertilizer will be led to inclined lifting plate lifted up to central location of dryer tube, and then gradually fell down like a curtain, so the high temperature air flowing through it can preheat and evaporate moisture in materials. When the compound fertilizer fell down and spilled on grate-wing, the material will be mixed together with preheated grate plate wing, so that part of water in material can be evaporated. At the same time, wings entrained materials lift and fall many times, for materials fully contact with hot air convection and heat exchange. Cleaning device buried in the material simultaneously sides down along lifting plate with arc shape, to clean material glued on lifting plate wall. Along with the rotating of cylinder, part water in material can be evaporated, and compound fertilizer can be further dried. Meanwhile, cleaning device also plays a role in breaking massed ball to improve drying speed. Finally, the dried compound fertilizer with low moisture content is loose material and be discharged through discharge port.



复合肥烘干机厂家地址:中国-河南-郑州-高新 产业开发区-檀香路-8号。


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河南红星矿山机器有限公司 版权所有 Copyright(c) 2015-2025 地址:中国-郑州-高新 产业开发区檀香路8号