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Sand dryer is mainly used for drying particle materials with certain humidity, such as all kinds of sand in foundry industry and dry-mixed mortar industry; clay with small particle size in building materials and cement industry; small particle size materials with no chemical changes and heat and dust resistance in chemical industry. According to different requirements on moisture content of dried materials in different industries, moisture content of dried materials can be lower than 0.5%.

Sand dryer is mainly applied to drying river sand, dry-mixed mortar, yellow sand, cement clinker, clay, coal gangue, mixtures, coal ash, gypsum, iron powder and other raw materials, widely used in building materials, chemical industry, casting industry and other industries.






Sand will be fed into the hopper through belt conveyor and bucket elevator, and then be fed into the end hopper through feeding machine or pipes. The inclination of feeding pipe should be larger than natural inclination of materials, for sand smoothly entering into the dryer. Dryer drum is a slightly inclined rotating cylinder with horizontal lines. Materials are fed from the higher end, while heat medium enters from low-end, forming counter-current contact with materials. Heat medium flowing into the cylinder together with material is available. As the rotation of the cylinder, materials run to the end of the sand dryer under gravity. Wet material, in the course of the cylinder moving forward, directly or indirectly get heat from medium heat, for drying wet material, and then discharged through the spiral conveyor or belt conveyor installed at the end of discharging port. Sand dryer is equipped with lifting board on the cylinder wall, and the lifting board plays the role of lifting and falling down materials, increasing the contact surface between material and air flow, so as to improve the drying rate. Heat medium is generally divided into hot air, flue gas and others. Generally, heat medium after being dried needs to be cleaned the materials filled in gas by cyclone dust collector. If you need to further reduce exhaust dust content, pass through bag filter or wet dust collector before discharging it.



沙子烘干机厂家地址:中国-河南-郑州-高新 产业开发区-檀香路-8号。


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河南红星矿山机器有限公司 版权所有 Copyright(c) 2015-2025 地址:中国-郑州-高新 产业开发区檀香路8号