脱硫石膏烘干机是目前河南红星公司生产的烘干机中比较重要的烘干机之一,其主要应用于冶金、化工等行业,通过自身的性能,达到用户的 ,同时脱硫石膏烘干机也是烘干机中比较节能的一种,真正 了节能、高产、低耗的标准。
Desulfurization gypsum dryer is composed of heat source equipment, transportation equipment, drying equipment, transmission equipment, dust removal equipment, wind system, electronic control equipment and other several parts.
Desulfurization gypsum dryer is suitable for producing gypsum building material with different purposes, widely used in building material industry.
4、间歇进出料时可压火停炉,再次开炉3 后炉火可投入正常运行;
脱硫石膏由供料装置进入多层滚筒的内层, 顺流烘干,脱硫石膏在内层的抄板下不断抄起、散落呈螺旋行进式 热交换,物料移动至内层的另一端进入中层,进行逆流烘干,物料在中层不断地被反复扬进,呈进两步退一步的行进方式,物料在中层既充分吸收内层滚筒散发的热量,又吸收中层滚筒的热量,同时又延长了干燥时间,物料在此达到 干燥状态。物料行至中层另一端而落入外层,物料在外层滚筒内呈矩形多回路方式行进,达到干燥 的物料在热风作用下快速行进排出滚筒,没有达到干燥 的湿物料因自重而不能快速行进,物料在此矩形抄板内进行充分干燥,由此达到干燥 ,完成干燥过程。
Desulfurization gypsum fed into inner layer of multilayer drum by feeding machine, to achieve downstream drying. Desulfurization gypsum will be constantly lifted up by lifting boards, and scattered in spiral type to make hot exchange, and then, material will be moved to middle layer of drum for countercurrent drying, and materials in middle layer of drum will be constantly lifted up by lifting boards. Material in middle layer of drum can both full absorb heat generated by inner drum layer, and heat generated by middle drum layer, while extend drying time, so material reached its driest state in this process. Material can move to the outer drum layer from the middle drum layer, material reached the drying effect will be discharged fast along with hot air, while wet material did not meet the drying effect can’t move quickly due to high weight, so wet material can get adequate drying to reach drying effect thus achieve to complete the drying process.
脱硫石膏烘干机厂家地址:中国-河南-郑州-高新 产业开发区-檀香路-8号。